What We Offer Through the Lifespan
We provide children and adults an opportunity to explore, reflect, and learn in a nurturing spiritual community. Unitarian Universalist religious education programs offer:
- Ethical growth – internalizing enduring values like justice, equity, and compassion, and gaining tools to act on them in everyday life.
- Social growth – connecting with peers and people of all ages on a deeper level. Finding acceptance among people who see beyond the superficial.
- Spiritual growth – feeling a connection with the sacred within, among, and beyond us.
Religious education (RE) programs incorporate social justice and environmental activities as well as worship opportunities. The UUFLV grounds have a dedicated RE bed with native plants that students work on to emphasize our 7th Principle of caring for the earth.
In the past, we have had students at the pre-school, elementary, middle school and high school level go through various UU religious education programs.
Since we have interested parents with young children, we are in the planning stage to resume RE at the primary level. If you are interested in taking part, please contact us at the Fellowship phone number: 724-238-7797.